Call to book a free chat 03 9350 6455
Meet with one of our Victorian Law Institute accredited experts – ‘In Person’ or via ‘Zoom’ to discuss your Will/Power of Attorney needs
Make your Will and Powers of Attorney. Set packages and pricing so there are no suprises. AND you can do it from your couch!
Dealing with the death of a loved one is never easy. Our lawyers are experienced in everything from small and simple to disputed Estates. We offer set pricing for straight forward matters.
Our lawyers can assist with Financial Agreements, Divorce, Consent Orders, Property and Children’s matter. And you can instruct us online in a non-confrontational way.
Whether you are buying, selling, transferring a property or need a contract reviewed our Preston Conveyancers have you covered. Submit your contract for review (2 business day turnaround or urgent available).