Wills Lawyer Melbourne
Your Wills & Estate Lawyer Preston, Coburg & North Melbourne
How a Wills and Estates
Lawyer can help you....
What is a Will?
What is an Enduring Power of Attorney?
Administering a Deceased Estate
‘Reading of the Will’ in Australia
How does Surrogacy impact Estate Planning?
What happens if I die without a will in Australia?
Why should I consider Powers of Attorney?
Protect What Matters
Planning ahead ensures your assets go to the people and organisations you care about after you’re gone. A prepared plan provides peace of mind.

Book a Conference
Use our confidential tool that allows you to get started online, in your own time and space. It will ask you a series of questions, and provide valuable feedback. We will then be in touch with draft documents before we meet with you

Book a Call
Meet with one of our Lawyers – ‘In Person’ or via ‘Zoom’ to discuss your Will/Power of Attorney needs
Wills & Estate
Legal Services we offer
Factors to Consider in
Creating a Will with
Our Lawyer in Melbourne
Whether you want the help of a will lawyer in Melbourne or not, it is essential to prepare this document. By doing so, you can rest easy knowing that your assets will be handled appropriately and distributed, should an unfortunate event occur. We have listed down factors for you to consider when creating a will.
01. Your Children’s Guardian
02. Assets and Cherished Belongings
03. Beneficiaries
04. Appointing Your Executor
05. Funeral Instructions
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